Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Dreamworks" : Photoshoot

Last Friday the team from the project met with the martial artists that we will be working with for the project. The meeting was set up for two reasons, first to collect reference images of the actors arms and bodies that need to be modeled and secondly to work out the choreography of the fight. My job here as the modeler was to collect any initial reference images that I would need to work this week constructing the arm model. I took images of the hand open and closed in case the fingers would need to be completely present within the closed fist for when the arm shatters.

Here are a few of the images I took. They are not perfect but will serve the purpose they need for the beginning model. I will be collecting more images this upcoming week at the actual filming. The images collected there will be used to fine tune the model to perfectly silhouette the arm in the film.

After seeing the actors in action I am excited to see how the project will turn out.

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