Saturday, April 9, 2011

Digital Studio: Shatter Project - Silhouetting the Arm

Because we have not heard back from the Dreamwork's mentor, the "Dreamworks Project" shall, for now, be referred to as the Shatter Project. These past weeks I have been working on a few separate sections of my part in the project. First, I have been working on the Body model for the actor that needs to shatter completely. That model will most likely be posted here next post over the next few days. Secondly, I UVed the arm model that I had created a few weeks before so that it can be easily textured in the next part of the project.

I UVed the hand open before I closed it for its final position to make it much easier and avoid any overlapping UVs. The final part that I have been working on is silhouetting the arm model to match the arm of the actor in the actual footage.

Here is a shot of the wireframe model over the actual arm. Using this, the texturing team will project the film over the arm simplifying the texturing process.

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