Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Video Composite Masking

Now that my primary function as a modeler for the group, it is my job to help other area that need it. One of the jobs that I have been working on the last 2 weeks has been masking and cleaning video. The first scene I have been working with is the scene where the man's arm shatters. This is an extremely hard scene to try to mask because what I have to do is remove the mans arm from every frame and then rebuild/repaint anything that would be behind his arm including the other mans hand, his chest, clothing, belt, left hand, legs, floor and make sure that these frames are not only clean but also work as a fluid animation. This process is still not complete as I have removes his arm, and rebuilt his hand, the other mans hand, the floor and a few other pieces that were needed, however the remake of his body has proven quite a challenge with the movement of his clothing. Next post should have images of the completes composite.

The second scene that I have had to clean for the final video is the initial establishing shot. I had to remove the lights above the actors heads and also remove the track from the floor that the camera dolly rode on.

I remade the floor as closely as I could in Photoshop. From there, I used that image and placed it over the shot in After Effects. Initially it was quite a challenge to attempt to match the cameras forward motion, but using AE's motion tracking and simply tracking the tips of the camera's rails, I was able to get a motion that matched the original footage well.

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